Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Iraqi J. Vet. Med.) is a fully open access journal. Open access (OA) refers to free, unrestricted online access to journal articles.  OA content is open to all, with no access fees. For more information on Creative Commons Attribution licenses and the benefits of publishing open access

Published: 2004-06-28

Diagnostic Study of Salmonella typhimurium in Patient and Cattle

Zainab Sami Habeeb, Amil majid AL-Shawi, Muniem M. Fathi


Preparation of Listerin antigen as a tool for Diagnosis of listeriosis

G. M. Al - Khatib, Zainab A.A. Al - Haddad, Sanaria Fawzi Al- Hissen, Sahar Hassan Al- Kutbi


في علائق الدجاج platensis استخدام طحلب

موسی جاسم محمد, حسين يوسف خلف الركابي, غالب علوان القيسي, محمد شمخي جبر


Role of some psychrotrophic aerobic sporeforming bacteria in spoilage of raw milk

معتز عبد الواحد عبد المنعم, نجم هادي الخزرجي, عماد ابراهيم علي سلطان


Study About Pathogenic Bacteria Associated With Bovine

Safana A. S. AL-Taan, Asmaa H. AL-Jobori, Anton S. AL-Bana.
