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   Instructions to Authors  

   The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Iraqi J. Vet. Med.)

                                                            P-ISSN: 1609-5693, E-ISSN: 2410-7409                                                             

Thank you for choosing the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. to submit your valuable work. This guideline will guarantee that we have everything required thus your manuscript can move through peer review and publication processes efficiently and timely. Please take the time to read and follow the instructions in this guideline as carefully as possible to ensure that your manuscript matches the journal’s requirements.


All manuscripts should be submitted, and subsequently reviewed, online through the journal’s website submission system. There is no other form of submission accepted. The new author(s) submitting a manuscript must register and set up an account before submitting it. Co-authors can access the manuscript details in the submission system if they register using the email address used during manuscript submission. Author(s) should use the accepted file format, which is Microsoft Word, to prepare their manuscript. The author(s) will be guided stepwise by the submission system through the steps of entering and uploading the manuscript file(s). When submitting a manuscript, author(s) guarantee to the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. that the manuscript:

  • has not been published simultaneously elsewhere, even in a different language, an exception will be applied if published as an abstract or part of an academic thesis or dissertation (please note that all manuscripts will be subjected to plagiarism detection software Turnitin),
  • is not under consideration for publication by another journal or publisher,
  • is read and accepted by all co-authors for submission,
  • will not be published elsewhere if accepted in whole or part without the written approval of the Iraqi J. Vet. Med.

General Considerations

The Iraqi J. Vet. Med. accepts the following types of publications: original research articles, should provide novel and significant information; reviews, should provide new knowledge or conclude new ideas from results of researchers; and research notes, should provide a limited but significant result(s) of complete designed experiments. 
All manuscripts submitted to the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. should be only in English and written according to comprehensive grammar and appropriate terminologies. Manuscripts should be typed in single-spaced, as one column, with pages numbered consecutively, using Times New Roman font at 12 points. The typed area should be 15 cm width x 24 cm height. To obtain only one submission ID number for a single manuscript, author(s) should submit their manuscript once, as more than one submission for a manuscript could lose the chance for further consideration.

English Corrections

To expedite proper peer-reviewing of your manuscript, it is necessary that it is submitted in grammatically correct English. All manuscripts submitted to the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. should be written in the English language, Arabic title and abstract should be provided as well (only for Arabian authors). If the authors’ first language is not English, we highly recommend that authors have their manuscript professionally edited prior to submission. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). The Iraqi J. Vet. Med. does not provide language editing services. Author(s) who feel their manuscript might need editing to abolish potential grammatical errors are encouraged to obtain such services before submission, and they are responsible for charges related to such services.

 Editorial Policies

Before you proceed, please read the following journal policies:

Structure of Manuscripts

In all manuscript types, these sections must appear in the following order:  Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (including the conclusion), Authors' Contributions (optional), Acknowledgements (optional), Funding (optional), Conflict of Interest, and References. The sections Results and Discussion may be merged or separated. For review articles, Materials and Methods, and Results and Discussion sections may be reformed to be written in a new form, as the author(s) deem essential. Results and Discussion sections can be combined or separated.

Title Page

 The title must provide a specific, concise, and relevant statement of the manuscript contents. The title of the manuscript must be centered in boldface with 20 words maximum. The first letter of each word should be capitalized, except for prepositions. The title should not have abbreviations even when gene or protein names are included, however, well-known terminologies such as DNA or RNA or IgA can be abbreviated. Please note that there is no period after the title. 

Below the title, authors’ names should be typed as a first name (full name or initial), middle initial, full last name, capitalize only the first letter of each full name. Affiliations should be indicated in front of the appropriate address by superscript numbers, and placed under the author names.  Do not provide the title, position, or degree of authors. The corresponding author(s) should be clearly indicated and footnoted with one of the following symbols: *, †, ‡, § (e.g., *Corresponding author).  Please ensure that the title page includes the name, email, full address, and telephone numbers of the corresponding author(s).


A concise abstract as a single paragraph with a total of about 250-300 words maximum is required. Without headings, the abstract must be structured as follows:  1) Background, mention the problem addressed in a broad context and highlight the aim(s) of your study; 2) Methods, briefly describe the main methods and treatments utilized (include species and strains of animals used); 3) Results, summarize the main findings of your work; and 4) Conclusion, indicate the core conclusions or interpretations. The abstract should comprise complete sentences, use of nonstandard abbreviations (i.e., author-derived abbreviations) should be avoided, if needed, they should be defined in parentheses the first time they are mentioned in the abstract. References and footnotes are not allowed.
After the abstract, provide three to five relevant keywords or phrases which can be used for subject indexing. Keywords should contain critical words from the title, but must not include abbreviations, except if they are generally recognized throughout a science field (e.g., DNA, RNA, IgG). Keywords should be written as singular terms rather than plural and should be formatted as follows: Keywords: …., …., …., …….  


 The introduction should briefly provide a background essential for readers to understand the investigation presented in the manuscript. Key publications of the topic described previously should be reviewed and cited properly. The aim(s) or objective(s) of the current work should be clearly stated at the end of this section.

Materials and Methods

This section should provide adequate details of the procedures used, so other researchers can repeat and build on the published outcomes. If original methods are established, they should be described in detail, whereas well-known methods (including modifications, if any) can be briefly described and correctly cited. Sources of chemicals, drugs, equipment, and products applied should be stated in parentheses at first mention. Condition of animals (Breed, strain, age, sex, and body weight) and diets provided (chemical analysis of dietary ingredients, if crucial to the experiment) used in the experiments should be described clearly. Experiments including animals must be performed in accordance with principles and specific guidelines presented in local, national, or international legislation on the care and use of animals in research. International System of Units (SI) should be used for all measurements, and if other measures are used,  their equivalent in SI should be given.

Statistical Analysis

Analyzing and subsequently interpreting biological data using incorrect statistical approaches is not acceptable. Therefore, the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. highly recommends authors to consult with a statistician prior to submitting their manuscripts. The name and version of the statistical software used should be given.  


The authors should report a clear description of their experimental results. Data should be presented precisely and concisely in tables or figures, with no literature comparisons (only if needed). Duplication of data in tables and figures must be avoided. All tables and figures must be understandable by themselves by providing appropriate captions and footnotes. Tables and figures must be introduced in the main text near to their first mention. Tables and figures must be numbered in accordance with their appearance in the main text.


 In this section, the results and their interpretation should be discussed in terms of relevancy with previous findings, and how these interpretations addressed the question introduced in the introduction.  This section should be ended with an overall conclusion describes how your work aided in understanding or resolving a problem. Directions of future research may be included. The Discussion and Results sections can be combined.


This section is not mandatory. However, if the authors desire to include the Acknowledgments section, it should follow the Discussion section. Sources of funding, individuals’ critical participation, and institutes that helped to accomplish the work should be mentioned in enough detail.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest declaration should state, as “The author(s) declare no conflicts of interest”.


Please note that since January 2020, the Iraqi J. Vet. Med. will use the Vancouver reference style or also called the author–number system. In the text, references must be identified by Arabic numbers in parenthesis (1) and placed before the punctuation. Successive references should be joined together with a hyphen (1-5). Nonconsecutive references should be separated with commas (2, 4, 7, 8), please note that there is no AND after the last reference. In the reference list, references must be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text regardless of the alphabetical order. If there are more than 6 authors in a reference, list the first 6, after which 'et al.'‎ To abbreviate journals, authors can use conventional ISO abbreviations found in the journal's database of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals. Authors must make sure that all references cited in the manuscript text are also present in the section of references and vice versa with avoiding duplication and typo. To avoid such mistakes, the Iraqi  J. Vet. Med. highly recommends authors to prepare the references using a reference software package, such as EndNote, Mendeley, etc. All references should be written in English, please convert Arabic or other language references to English. Example references are given below


Author 1 A, Author 2 B, Author 3 C, Author 4 D. Title of the article. Abbreviated journal title. Date of publication; volume number(issue number): page numbers.


Choi JH, Lee K, Kim DW, Kil DY, Kim GB, Cha CJ. Influence of dietary avilamycin on ileal and cecal microbiota in broiler chickens. Poult Sci. 2018; 97(3): 970–9.

Lambert JD, Yang CS. Mechanisms of cancer prevention by tea constituents. J Nutr. 2003; 133(10): 3262S-3267S.

Non-edited Books (Book Author)

  1. Whole Book
Author(s) of book.  Title of the book.  Edition (if other than first).  Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.


Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders Elsevier; 2013. 874 p.

  1. Chapter in a non-edited book

Author(s) of book.  Title of the book.  Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Chapter number, Chapter title; p. (page numbers of the chapter).


Ansel  HC. Pharmaceutical measurement. 13th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2010. Chapter 3, Pharmaceutical measurement; p. 35-47.

Edited books

  1. Whole Book, editor(s) as author(s)

Editor(s) – Last name and initials, editors. Title of book. Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.


O'Campo P, Dunn JR, editors. Rethinking social epidemiology:  towards a science of change. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012. 348 p.

  1. Chapter in an edited book

Author(s) of the chapter - Last name and initials. Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) of the book - Family name and initials, editors. Title of the book. edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. [page numbers of chapter].


MacDougall C, Chambers HF. Aminoglycosides. In: Brunton LL, Chabner BA, Knollman BJ, editors. Goodman & Gilman’s the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 12th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011. p. 1505-20.


 Author-Last name and initials. Thesis title [type of thesis; dissertation for a Ph.D. and master's thesis for a master's degree]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [dissertation]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2007.

Kashifalkitaa HF. Effect of bromocriptine and dexamethasone administration on semen characteristics and certain hormones in local male goats [dissertation]. Baghdad, Iraq: University of Baghdad; 2008.


Author/organization’s name. Title of the page [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date or year of publication [updated YYYY Mon DD; cited YYYY Mon DD]. Available from: URL.


Diabetes Australia. Diabetes globally [Internet]. Canberra ACT: Diabetes Australia; 2012 [updated 2012 Jun 15; cited 2012 Nov 5]. Available from: http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/en/​Understanding-Diabetes/Diabetes-Globally/.


Microsoft Word table function must be used to prepare tables, no other form such as a photograph is accepted. Tabs and spaces must not be used to separate table cells. Horizontal or vertical rules must not be used to set the tables. Tables should be inserted in the body of the manuscript close to their first mention. All tables should be numbered in accordance with their appearance in the main text. In the main text, they should be written as a full word (Table, not Tab.). Similarly, the word 'Table' should be written as full above the table with a period after its number (Table 1.). Each table should be titled and footnoted (using the “insert caption” function) briefly and clearly which makes the table self-explanatory without referring to the main text. The first letter of the first word of the title should be only capitalized with no period at the end of the title. All components of the table, such as a unit of measure, abbreviations, statistical analysis, should be identified with superscript footnotes under the table. For a unit of measure, it can be appeared with the title or inside the table. All table abbreviations must be defined and matched to those in the main text.‎ For statistical analysis, the footnote can be provided as “Means within a row/column lacking a common superscript differ significantly (P≤0.05)”, and other significant P values can be specified. Mean comparisons within column and rows must be indicated (e.g., lowercase (or small letters) a, b in rows indicate….., Uppercase (or capital letters) A, B in the column indicate….). Values of probability can be indicated as follows: *P≤0.05, **P≤0.01, ***P≤0.001.


Figures and illustrations must be submitted with high quality (300 dpi).  One of Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), PDF, and JPEG formats can be used to create figures and illustrations. Backgrounds such as grid lines in graphs or unnecessary objects in photographs should be removed.  Color figures or illustrations for in print or online will NOT be additionally charged. Figures should be inserted within the main text. When a Figure is cited in the main text, it should be written in full (Figure, not Fig.). All figures and illustrations must be titled (captioned). The title should be concise, located under the figure or graph. The title should be started as “Figure 1.”(please note that there is a period after the number, not colon). The first letter of the first word of the title should be only capitalized with no period at the end of the title. Figures and illustrations must be self-explanatory, i.e., all symbols and descriptions must be identified in the title without referring to the main text.


Abbreviations should not be used in the title, keywords, or at the beginning of a sentence without previous definition, except when they are well-known in scientific communities (e.g., IgG, DNA, RNA). Author-derived abbreviations should be defined in capital letters at first use in the abstract and again in the body of the manuscript. The reviewers and editors will evaluate the suitability of abbreviations during the review process. Terms need to be abbreviated, should be spelled out in full with the abbreviation following in parentheses the first time they are mentioned in the main body of the text. Abbreviations must be utilized constantly thereafter, rather than the full term. Abbreviations in tables, figures should be defined in the footnotes.  The following abbreviations may be used without definition in Iraqi J. Vet. Med.:

°C        degree Celsius

ANOVA          analysis of variance

ATP      adenosine triphosphate

AOAC   Association of Official Analytical Chemists

BSA     bovine serum albumin

BW      body weight

B cell   bursal-derived, bursal-equivalent derived cell

 bp       base pairs

cal       calorie

CFU       colony-forming unit

CoA     coenzyme A

CP       crude protein (N × 6.25)

cDNA  complementary DNA

CI c      Confidence interval

CV       Coefficient of Variation

d          day(s)

DM     dry matter

DNA   deoxyribonucleic acid

EDTA   ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

ELISA   Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

F          F-distribution (variance ratio)

g          gram

GE       gross energy

GH      growth hormone

h          hour(s)

ha        hectare

hCG    human chorionic gonadotropin

HPLC   High-performance (pressure) liquid chromatography

Hz       hertz

IU        international unit

J          joule

L          liter

LD50   Lethal dose 50%

LSD    Least significant difference

m         meter

μ          micro

ME      metabolizable energy

min     minute(s)

mo      month(s)

n         sample size (used parenthetically or in footnotes)

NDF    neutral detergent fiber

No.      number (use only in tables, not in the text)

NRC    National Research Council

P          probability

RNA    ribonucleic acid

rpm     revolutions per minute


 Submission Checklist  

Please conduct a final check of your manuscript by reviewing this checklist before you submit it to the journal for review. Please make sure that you have read the Guide for Authors in detail before you begin the preparation of your manuscript. Submit your manuscript electronically to Iraqi J. Vet. Med. through the journal’s website submission system at http://jcovm.uobaghdad.edu.iq/. 

Please submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement and the Animal Welfare Statement forms with your manuscript.

Please ensure that the following items are followed:


  • File format: Microsoft Word
  • Pages: numbered consecutively
  • Lines: single-spaced, one column
  • Page size: A4 (210 x 297 mm)
  • Typed area: 15 cm width x 24 cm height
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
  • Sections are in the order listed below
  • Figures and tables are embedded within the main text
  • Further considerations
    • The manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar checked
    • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
    • Permissions were obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)
    • Editorial policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed

Structure of  Manuscript 

  • Title page
    • Title (include Arabic title, only for Arabian authors)
      • centered bold, 14 pt Times and Roman 
      • the first letter of each word should be capitalized, except for prepositions
      • no abbreviations (unless needed), no period after the title
    • List of authors (include authors’ name in Arabic, only for Arabian authors)
      • first name (full or initial), middle initial, full last name
      • capitalize only the first letter of each full name
      • no title, position, or degree of authors 
      • centered bold, 12 pt Times New Roman
    • Affiliation
      • use numbered superscripts to refer to each address provided
      • no title, position, or degree of authors
      • centered italic, 12 pt Times New Roman
    • Corresponding author
      • phone, and email address
      • use the following superscripts symbols: *, †, ‡, § to refer to the corresponding author
      • align left, 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Abstract
    • 250 to 300 words limit
    • include Arabic abstract (only for Arabian authors)
    • structure as Background and aim(s) of the study, Methods, Results, and Conclusion
    • avoid abbreviations (only if needed)
  •  Keywords
    • 3 to 5 words or short phrases (include keywords in Arabic, only for Arabian authors)
    • no abbreviations
  • Introduction
    • Background with key references cited
    • the gap or the research question
    • aim(s) of the study the last sentence 
  • Materials and Methods
    • The name and version of the statistical package,
    • the type of analysis used
    • and the P value accepted as significant must all be included.
    • Experiments including animals must be performed in accordance with principles and specific guidelines presented in local, national, or international legislation on the care and use of animals in research.
    • this sections contains the approval statment  
    • Obtain the animal welfare statement and sign it.
    • Statistical analysis
  • Results 
    • All Tables are mentioned, numbered with an Arabic numeral, and cited in numeric sequence in the text (as Table 1. Not Tab. 1:)
    • Tables are accompanied by an explanatory caption (above the table) and footnotes
    • They should not depend on explanatory materials from the text but should stand-alone
      • only the first letter from the first word capitalized, not followed by a period
    • All Figures are mentioned, numbered with an Arabic numeral, and cited in numeric sequence in the text (as Figure 1. Not Fig. 1:)
    • Figures are accompanied by an explanatory caption (under the Figure)
      • only the first letter from the first word capitalized,  not followed by a period
    • They should not depend on explanatory materials from the text but should stand-alone
    • Tables embedded
    • Figures embedded
  • Discussion and Conclusions
    • All discussion is about the research question in the introduction, therefore discuss the results with others (must be relative) and how they are (the results) address the research question
  • Acknowledgments
  • Conflict of Interest
    • Conflict of interest statement must be provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare
  •  References
    • References must be in the correct format for this journal (Vancouver reference style).


Editorial Secretary

The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Iraqi J. Vet. Med.)

College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad,

Al-Ammreya, Baghdad, Iraq

Post Office: Al-dawwdy   28601

Website: http://jcovm.uobaghdad.edu.iq

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected] or [email protected]

Tel: (+964)07710310953, (+964)07825667863

Last updated on May 1, 2021




All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The author must send a second copy of the research free of the names and addresses of the researchers
  • The author is obligated to sent the Copyright Transfer Agreement form and the Animal Welfare Statement form with your manuscript
  • Each researcher must nominate three scientific reviewers with the same specialty to research that not less H.Indx per rectifier in the Scopus reservoir at 5 degrees
  • When writing sources for the manuscript the researcher must write DOI for each source