Experimental study of Otitis media with Pseudomonas aerugenonsa in mice and treated with alcoholic cold extract of dandelion compared with used of otucalm drops and Lactobacillus acidophilus
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This study has revealed the importance of natural herbal products to control antibiotics resistant
bacteria which are being a threat to human and animal health and focused on antibacterial potential
of aqueous infusion of Dandelion alcoholic cold extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The
experimental studies include (18) healthy mice were randomly divided in to 6 equal groups, all 5th
group injected with P. aerugenosa 106CFU/ ml (0.05 ml) except 6th group which injected with
phosphate buffer saline (control negative). 1st group killed after 48hr of injection, 2nd group treated
with otucalm, 3
rd treated with Dandelion cold alcoholic extract, 4
th group treated with Dandelion
locally and lactobacillus acidophilus orally, 5
th group injected with bacteria (control positive) and
killed after the end of the experiment. The result showed that the 4th group was the best group show
the highly sensitive effect in vitro and no clear pathological lesion and increase the immunity and
health of animal in vivo compare with other groups. Dandelion showed nontoxic effect and noncombination with other drugs and significantly increased the ability of P. aerugenosa isolated from
otitis media it’s more pathogenic than bacteria isolated from others organs in the same animals.
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