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From Ministry of Health records from 1989-1995, Giardiasis in human being was recorded between 4.3%-9.9%.
In comparison between years 1988 and 1989 with 1994 and 1995 in Baghdad there was a double fold increase.
The study followed up the disease in dogs.
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PREVELENCE OF GIARDIASIS IN HUMAN AND DOGS. (2021). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 22(1), 167-174.
How to Cite
PREVELENCE OF GIARDIASIS IN HUMAN AND DOGS. (2021). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 22(1), 167-174.
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2. Barriga, O.O.(1981). The immunology of parasitic infections 59, University park press. Baltimore.
3. Kasprzak, W. and Pawlowski,Z.(1989). Zoonotic aspects of Giardiasis, A review. Vet.Parasitol,32,101 103.
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9. Elmer,R.N. and Glenn, A.(1982). The biology and Parasitology 5th ed. Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.
10. Meloni,B.P., Thompson,R.C., Hopkins,R.M., and Gracy ,M.N.(1993). The prevelance of Giardia and other
intestinal parasits in children. dog and cats from the aboriginal communities in Kemberley. Med. J. Aust., 158(3):157-159.
11. Wilford, O.(1974). Animal parasitology, the life cycle and Ecology, 3rd ed. Park press, London.
12. Jordan,H.E. and Mullins, S.T.(1993). Endoparasitism. in Dog , J.A.V.M.A.,203(4):547.
13. Chakrabarki,N.(1982). Malabsorption syndrom in Giardia canis infected in calcutta, Ind.J. Vet.Med. 2(1):42-44.
14. Hewelett,S.E.(1982). Experimental infection of dog with Giardia lamblia cyst and cultured trophozoit.
J. Inf.Dis., 145(1):89-93.
15. Thompson, R.C.(1988). Evidence of a zoonotic . Med. J.Aust.,148(4):207-209.
Bailliere, Tindall, London.
2. Barriga, O.O.(1981). The immunology of parasitic infections 59, University park press. Baltimore.
3. Kasprzak, W. and Pawlowski,Z.(1989). Zoonotic aspects of Giardiasis, A review. Vet.Parasitol,32,101 103.
4. Chandler,E.A.,Sutton,J.B. and Thompson, D.J.(1984). Canine Medicineand Therapeutic, 2nd ed. Black well. London.
5. Craige,J.E.(1948). Differential diagnosis and Specific therapy of dysenteries in dogs. J.A.V.M.A.,113,343-347.
6. Nina,E.(1988). Prevelance of Giardia in feces of pups, J.A.V.M.A.,192,10,1428.
7. Seiler,S.M.(1983). Giardia in Dog and Cat in Switzerland Schweizer Archiv Furtier, 125(3),137.
8. Arashima, Y.,Kumasaka,K.,Kawano,K. and Asano,R. (1992). Studies on Giardiasis as zoonosis
Kan.Zasshi, 66(8):1062-1066.
9. Elmer,R.N. and Glenn, A.(1982). The biology and Parasitology 5th ed. Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia.
10. Meloni,B.P., Thompson,R.C., Hopkins,R.M., and Gracy ,M.N.(1993). The prevelance of Giardia and other
intestinal parasits in children. dog and cats from the aboriginal communities in Kemberley. Med. J. Aust., 158(3):157-159.
11. Wilford, O.(1974). Animal parasitology, the life cycle and Ecology, 3rd ed. Park press, London.
12. Jordan,H.E. and Mullins, S.T.(1993). Endoparasitism. in Dog , J.A.V.M.A.,203(4):547.
13. Chakrabarki,N.(1982). Malabsorption syndrom in Giardia canis infected in calcutta, Ind.J. Vet.Med. 2(1):42-44.
14. Hewelett,S.E.(1982). Experimental infection of dog with Giardia lamblia cyst and cultured trophozoit.
J. Inf.Dis., 145(1):89-93.
15. Thompson, R.C.(1988). Evidence of a zoonotic . Med. J.Aust.,148(4):207-209.