Some Epidemiological Study of Cryptosporidium Spp. in Broiler chickens in some areas of Karbala Province

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Kadhim Kh. K. Al-Khayat
Mohammed Th. S. Al- Zubaidi


    The aim of present study to investigate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium Spp. in broiler
chickens in some regions of Karbala province and study the effect of months, sex and age on the
prevalence of parasite. The results were indicated that the overall percentage of infection was
20.71%. The highest rate of infection in Al-Husseiniya which amounted to 22.41% and the lowest
in the Ain Al-Tamur region (18.86%), while the highest rate of infection was in March which
amounted to 30% and the least in May month reaching 11.42%, and by age groups was the highest
rate of infection at the age of five weeks (28.72%) and the lowest at the age of two weeks (13.18%),
and significant difference was recorded between two sex female recorded (33.33%) and male


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How to Cite
Some Epidemiological Study of Cryptosporidium Spp. in Broiler chickens in some areas of Karbala Province. (2015). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 39(1), 5-8. (Original work published 2015)

How to Cite

Some Epidemiological Study of Cryptosporidium Spp. in Broiler chickens in some areas of Karbala Province. (2015). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 39(1), 5-8. (Original work published 2015)


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