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The effeciancy of some anticoccidial drugs were tested for the treatment fo E. tenella infection in chickens. Four drugs were used. The first was composed of Sulphaquinoxalin and Trimethoprim; the Second of Sulpaquinoxalin Diaveridine; the third of Sulphaquinoxalin and Amprolium, and the fourth of Amprolium and Furaltadon. Criteria used in the evaluation of drugs performance were, weight gain; feed consumption and conversion; total oocyst counts, and packed cell volume. The highest percent of protection (102%) was obtained with the first drug. The second, third and fourth drugs gave 99.8, 64.4, and 45.7 percents of protection, respectively.
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حارث محمد ابراهیم (۱۹۸۲). مسح امراض الدجاح لمحافظة بغداد للعام (۱۹۸۲-۱۹۸۱)رسالة مقدمةالى كلية الطب البيطريجامعة بغداد . فرع الامراض والطب العدلي.