Clinical and Hematological Parameters Study of sheep infected by Theileria SPP

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AL–Amiry A.M. A.


A Study of clinical and haematological changes in Awassi stock of sheep that had schizonts of Theileria spp. In Abu – Greeb region were conducted. Seventy three blood samples were collected from jugular vein of different ages, 60 had schizonts indicating an infection rate 82.19%. There were no great evidence of variation in clinical and haematological features between infected and non infected sheep.


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Clinical and Hematological Parameters Study of sheep infected by Theileria SPP. (2001). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 25(1), 118-124.

How to Cite

Clinical and Hematological Parameters Study of sheep infected by Theileria SPP. (2001). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 25(1), 118-124.


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