Inhibitory effect of local Honey on Bacteria in culture media and in laboratory animals Ali,A.Abed Al-abbas Saffaa,A.A Abbas,H.N.Al-saeed

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Ali A.Abed Al-abbas


This study was carried out at the animal station agriculture and the food
technology research center of Iraqi ministry of science & Technology. In a study to
determine the inhibitory effect of honey in the local growth of some pathogenic
bacteria in growth media (In vivo) and in laboratory animals (Invitro) was used four
types of bacteria brought from the Central Health Laboratory - Baghdad,
Escherichia coli , Streptococcus pneumoniae , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus
pyogenus and Pasteurella hemolytica, and their biochemical characteristics were reexamined.
The study deals with studying the effect of local honey in the inhibition of
the growth of these bacteria on environmental Nutrient Agar (Invitro) to measure
the diameter of zone inhibition after incubator the culture media for a period of
24-48 hours, as for the study of the effect of honey in laboratory animals(mouse In
vivo) 12 groups of local mice were used, in addition to four mice of each control
group. Each group is given (cfu / ml 104 ) of specific bacteria once and then it is
given Diluted honey of different concentrations (5%,10%,20%)with drinking water
for one week to all groups except the control group.The study showed a different
degree of inhibition of honey depending on the type of bacteria and whether the
bacteria is negative or positive of the dye gram and the inhibitory effect of the
honey in the nutrient broth increased according to the concentration of honey.
The results in animals laboratory differed sometimes depending on the type of
bacteria, this indicates that local honey is good in efficiency in reducing bacterial
growth which might qualify for use as a treatment supporter with drugs and this is
what must be expanded in future studies.


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How to Cite
Inhibitory effect of local Honey on Bacteria in culture media and in laboratory animals: Ali,A.Abed Al-abbas Saffaa,A.A Abbas,H.N.Al-saeed. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(1), 1-8.

How to Cite

Inhibitory effect of local Honey on Bacteria in culture media and in laboratory animals: Ali,A.Abed Al-abbas Saffaa,A.A Abbas,H.N.Al-saeed. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(1), 1-8.