Pathogencity Study of the Chronic Toxicological Effects of Covered smut Wheat in Rats

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Kefah Oda Salman Al-Jeburii


The aim of studyblood picture to know the effects of chronic toxicity of infected wheat added to ratios and fed for six months to one year to (20) rats of both sexes divided into two groups to study metabolic, blood chemistry and histopathological changes in organ and tissues .
All these studies performed to evaluate the toxic effects and health hazard in human and animal that used the infected wheat whith fungal spores in food , results on blood and chemistry parameters such RBCs counts, Hb, PCV, WBCs showed decreased in the treated group . The biochemichal changes noticed reduction in ALT, AP , BUN as well as reduction in total serum protein and changes in albumin. The intensity of changes in these parameters were positively related to the changes in histopathology that noticed in liver, kidneys, lung and brain.


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Pathogencity Study of the Chronic Toxicological Effects of Covered smut Wheat in Rats. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(1), 84_92.

How to Cite

Pathogencity Study of the Chronic Toxicological Effects of Covered smut Wheat in Rats. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(1), 84_92.