Effect of use of Different Levels of Zingiber officinale on Production ‎‎,blood traits and Liver enzymes in Awassi Ewe’s Blood‎

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‎ Dhia A.Al-Khayat
Ahmed M.M. Zakri


This research was designed to study the effect of  tow levels of  Zingiber officinale on Body weight , Hb , PCV ,WBCs account  , Lymphocytes , Neutrophiles accounts GOT and ALP liver enzymes  in Awassi ewe’s blood  , Nine Awassi ewes aged 1.5 years were divided into 3 equal groups as followed : Group A was treated  by 10 gm Zingiber officinale  / animal /daily (2.5%) of diet While group B  were treated with 20 gm Zingiber officinale  / animal daily  (5%) of diet  and group  C  considered as Control group without given Zingiber officinale  with diet ,the results showed that significant increase (P<0.05)on body weight in treatment  B  during weeks of trail compare with the groups  A & C

also in blood traits there was a significant  increase (P<0.05) in  PCV, Hb, WBCs ,Lymphocytes accounts  in group  B  during weeks of trail compare with the groups A & C  while there was significant decrease (P<0.05) in Neutrophile accounts in group  B during weeks of trail compare with the treatments  A &C, there was significant decrease (P<0.05)on GOT (Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transminase) level  in group  B  compare with the groups  A & C.  While there was a significant  increase (P<0.05) on ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) in group  B  compare with the groups  A&C.

     We conclude that 20 gm / animal (5%) of diet increase body weight ,blood traits & Liver enzyme ALP in compared with other groups 



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Effect of use of Different Levels of Zingiber officinale on Production ‎‎,blood traits and Liver enzymes in Awassi Ewe’s Blood‎. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(2), 181-192. https://doi.org/10.30539/8hjwr665

How to Cite

Effect of use of Different Levels of Zingiber officinale on Production ‎‎,blood traits and Liver enzymes in Awassi Ewe’s Blood‎. (2010). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 34(2), 181-192. https://doi.org/10.30539/8hjwr665


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