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I. I. AL – Sultan
A. A. Shamun


This study indicate that the four lines of FAOBRO chicken breeders could be exposed to non-vira1 infections .The range of acceptability were variable from one line of breeders to another. The perccentage of yolk sac infection was ( 44. 3% ) at the age of first week in chickens in all lines. cocidial infection represent percentage ( 27.1% ) in the lines A,C and D only , cases of septicemia were recorded in brooding, rearing and eggs production with a percentage of (21.7%). the highest was seen in the eggs production period Air sacculitis occurrence was in a percentage of (3.5%) from the total cases examined and was seen in line B only at brooding period .Gout cases 


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How to Cite
DIAGNOSIS OF NON-VIRAL INFECTION IN FAOBROCHICKEN BREEDERS. (2000). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 24(2), 5-14. https://doi.org/10.30539/ijvm.v24i2.1181

How to Cite

DIAGNOSIS OF NON-VIRAL INFECTION IN FAOBROCHICKEN BREEDERS. (2000). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 24(2), 5-14. https://doi.org/10.30539/ijvm.v24i2.1181


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