Isolation &Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus From Wild Pigeons Anton Sabri AL-bana , Aida Bara Allawe , Ameen Ahmed Sebbar

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Anton Sabri AL-bana


Isolation &identification of Newcastle disease virus from wild pigeons
inhabiting University of Baghdad (Al-Khwarizmi College of engineering)
where velogenic and devastating infection of birds was encountered. Chicken
embryos fibroblasts (CEF) were used for virus isolation (from infected
spleen and lungs) and propagation. Viral cytopathogenic effect was noticed
on infected (CEF) cell culture within (24) hr post inoculation. The virus was
identified by heamagglutination inhibition (HI) test using reference anti
NDV serum.


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How to Cite
Isolation &Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus From Wild Pigeons: Anton Sabri AL-bana , Aida Bara Allawe , Ameen Ahmed Sebbar. (2020). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 31(2).

How to Cite

Isolation &Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus From Wild Pigeons: Anton Sabri AL-bana , Aida Bara Allawe , Ameen Ahmed Sebbar. (2020). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 31(2).