Patthollogiicall & Resiidues sttudy off Cadmiium Chlloriide iin rabbiitts

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AL -Kaisie. B. I.


IIn tthe prresentt rresearrch,, tthe patthollogiicall effffectt off CdCll2 rresiidue sttudy was
done on whiitte malle rrabbiitts.. 42 whiitte malle rrabbiitts werre rrandomlly diiviided iintto 2
grroups :: 1stt grroup iinclluded 30rrabbiitts werre giiven CdCll2 13 Mg // kg // day fforr 12
weeks viia drriinkiing watterr ..2nd grroup iinclluded 12rrabbiitts ffed on norrmall rrabbiitt diiett
..The ffollllowiing parrametterrs werre obserrved on tthe above grroups::
1-- Clliiniicall siigns:: Trreatted rrabbiitts showed,, vomiittiing and blloody diiarrrrhea ..
2-- Resiiduall iinvesttiigattiion on lliiverr and kiidney :: CdCll2 rresiidue prresentt morre
siigniiffiicantt iin lliiverr and kiidney mosttlly att 8 and 12 weeks :: 108..0 ,,447..0 mg//kg
drry weiightt iin lliiverr and 113..1,,447..0 mg//kg drry weiightt iin kiidney rrespecttiivelly ..
3-- Hiisttopatthollogiicall changes:: The lliiverr & kiidney off ttrreatted rrabbiitt showed iin
lliiverr and kiidneys ttypiicall fforrm off macrrophage grranulloma surrrrounded by ffiibrrous
connecttiive ttiissue..


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How to Cite
Patthollogiicall & Resiidues sttudy off Cadmiium Chlloriide iin rabbiitts. (2008). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 32(2), 207-213.

How to Cite

Patthollogiicall & Resiidues sttudy off Cadmiium Chlloriide iin rabbiitts. (2008). The Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 32(2), 207-213.